Thursday, January 7, 2010

Court Room Drama

I'm on a role this week been blogging like crazy hahaha. New Year New ME! I'm enjoying this Blog and the outlet it presents to me. So with that said lets get down to business. My last few posts have been playful but lets be serious today, Court to go or not to go?

So I keep hearing from many dudes a real woman wont take her child's father to court she will handle her business on her own and my response is a real man will handle his business from day one so a mother wont have to take him to court! This debate gets under my skin. Being a "real woman" has nothing to do with feeding, clothing, shelter, toys, and generally taking care of a child. In my opinion only a fool sits back and lets a man get away with doing absolutely nothing while you struggle. He helped make that baby too. Its too easy for men to walk away. They make babies with no consequence and I'm tired of it.

Then there is the issue of custody and the "rights of the father" Why is it that a man can do the bare minimum for his child and the minute someone (usually a female) gets in his ear he can go to court and get all these rights. Get joint custody even when its not deserved? Where is the right of the person who is doing everything all the time not just when she wants to but when she is sick and tired and broke down and stressed.

Don't get me wrong I understand that there are many women out there who do things in spite and try to hurt dads who are doing the right thing but I get so pissed when the situation is reversed and these men get over! Its just too easy for them. I have heard stories of men quitting jobs so they don't have to pay moving to different states. Its just crazy!

So whats your take on Court and Dead Beat Dads???

It's MommE-Talk!

1 comment:

  1. I have had this discussion before, even with my husband. People think that women are cruel for taking men to child support, but women know their reasoning to do this. If you have been in a relationship with this and know that he may be reliable at first but when his knew girl comes along he may spend all his money on her, then you already know. If going out was important than paying the light when you were together, then I think that's a sign. Yes, some women are spiteful and do it just cause, but in reality the drama would not exsist if some men would just handle their business.
