Thursday, April 29, 2010

I dont like her! Now What

Hello MommE's,

Today's topic is one that sparks lots of attention and playground discussions. What do you do when your child doesn't like your ex's new Beau? A very good friend and I have been debating what happens when a child doesn't like the new person in your life or or Ex's life.

As a child, my parents separated when I was merely 2 years old. My dad and my stepmother have been together since I was about 5 years old while my mother dated (been in long term relationships) and is now remarrying. Over the years there have been men my mom dated that my sister and I didn't like but we had no say in the matter. We were to be respectful and that was that. And over the years the relationship with my step-mom has changed and gone from me not liking her to me respecting and understanding her much more. But again I had no say on if my dad would stay with her or not.

So now I am chatting with a friend who tells me her 4 year old doesn't like his fathers girlfriend. Her son has told her the woman is rude. When she asks her ex, he explains that nothing has ever happened and as a matter of fact the woman has little interaction with their son. In our conversation she continues by saying she doesn't feel her son should have to be around the girlfriend if he doesn't want to be.

So my response, don't be silly. Nothing has happened. Your son is 4 years old and he has no say! Many times as children we see things the way we want to see them and if we even have an inkling we can get our way we will try to. If her son thinks mommy doesn't like the new girlfriend well he doesn't have to either. Let it go. Keep an open line of communication with your son to make sure there are no issues but other then that move on. Pick your battles with your ex because along the way their will be plenty. And what happens when the shoe is on the other foot. When you get into a relationship and your precious boy doesn't agree. Do you want your ex calling you with nonsense?

So MommE's and DaddE's what do you think? This mom is looking for opinions and suggestions. Feel free to make a comment on the blog or comment on the FB page.

Just remember its MommE-Talk!

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